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Minor impact injuries can be hard to pin down. It’s not unusual for patients to visit Dr. Leipold, complaining of multiple symptoms from a low-impact auto collision. Without major damage to their vehicles, insurance companies categorize these accidents as MIST cases. What does this mean, other than the fact that insurance companies downplay their injuries and seek to deny claims?
MIST stands for Minor Impact Soft Tissue injury. In the 1990s, the auto insurance industry conducted some seriously flawed tests and concluded that it is unlikely or impossible to sustain long-lasting or permanent injury from a low-impact, low-damage collision. Adding insult to injury, insurance companies base their injury assessment upon examination of the vehicle, rather than examination of the patient. In other words, if your car wasn’t damaged, chances are neither were you.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Recent studies have shown that people in minor impact collisions are not merely suffering from simple muscle strains. Low speed crashes can and do inflict significant joint and ligament injuries. In fact, research shows that nearly 70% of low-impact whiplash victims will suffer accident related symptoms for as long as 7-15 years after the incident. The symptoms of minor impact injuries may include:
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Low back pain
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbances
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Memory impairment
- Numbness or tingling in arms and legs
- “Brain fog”
Don’t wait for symptoms to begin after a car crash. To improve your long-term prognosis, call our office and seek help immediately.
Stiffer car bodies = more chance of injury
One big problem in the “no vehicle damage, no injury” approach is automakers’ use of stiffer materials in car bodies. Stiffer materials reduce vehicle damage in low-impact collisions, but they transfer more impact to vehicle occupants than more flexible materials. This results in a significantly higher number of neck and soft-tissue problems.
How serious are MIST injuries? Low speed injuries can inflict bleeding into the nerve roots of spinal vertebrae and into spinal facet joints. Facet joints may sustain hard-to-find small fractures, which contribute to long-term, chronic pain and disability. Minor impact injuries can elude detection via x-rays and MRI scans.
That’s why examination by a trained specialist is of vital importance. Dr. Leipold at Art of Chiropractic has extensive training and expertise in the area of soft-tissue injuries. He has the tools and the knowledge to discover the underlying cause of your symptoms and help you begin a program designed to reduce pain and increase your mobility.
The Art of Chiropractic utilizes multiple modalities for MIST injuries. These may include:
- Adjustment of the neck and spine
- Therapeutic massage
- Electrical stimulation
- Multi-radiance cold laser
- Neuromuscular therapy
No two MIST injuries are ever alike. Treatment is tailored to each patient’s individual diagnosis and needs. One thing that is common to all MIST injuries: They must not be ignored or taken lightly! Click the button below to set up your appointment with The Art of Chiropractic today.